Revelation 17 - Emiliano Richards
Bible Prophecy unfolding for today - Revelation 17
The Seven Trumpets - Emiliano Richards
Forgotten Bible Prophecy - The Seven Trumpets
THEOS - The Advent - Chapter 11
Beliefs from the Millerite movement to Early Adventism
Bill Stringfellow - Shocked! Pastor Learns what he has been teaching is Error. Begins to share the Truth!
Judgment Hour - Is Unity Built on Error or Truth in the SDA denomination going forward
The gods of Babylon - Sureword Prophecy
Judgment Hour - Michael McCaffrey - But Whom Say Ye that I am?
Believe in the real Son of God? You will be shut down and shown the exit door.
"We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us and His teaching in our past history." - Ellen White, Letter 25, January 10, 1886; Ms139-1901.28, December 19, 1892
Daniel 11 and the King of the North - Part 1
Verses 1 through 39
Who is the Him in Daniel 11:36-39?
France or the Papacy?
Who is the King of the North?
Turkey or the Papacy?
Daniel 11 and the King of the North - Part 2
Verses 40 -45
I Have Fixed My Mind - Reggie Smith
A song dedicated to William Miller's legacy
The Almost Forgotten Day - the Sabbath
The Significance of Daniel 11 -
Narrated by Christine Guardo - From Daniel and the Revelation by Uriah Smith and the Works of Josephus
Jesuits in the SDA Church - Danny Vierra
The Comforter - John 14
Who and What is the third person of the Godhead according to Ellen White within Adventism?
The Dragon is Wroth - Alpha Apostasy - 1919 Bible & Teacher's Conference
Backdrop of the What Took Place - Coeternity of Jesus debate
The Seal of God - Allen Stump, Smyrna Gospel
The Sanctuary Doctrine
Verne Bates gives you a behind the scenes look at republishing various Ellen White material
The above"Review the Books" videos are provided for information only and does not imply any endorsement. Mr. Bates did not labor in the print work physically, but sent it out locally. He never came to the understanding of the Pioneer's non-trinitarian position of belief. It's hard to believe after all this effort. He left this life in March 2017 at 87 years old.
Adventist Pioneer Teaching on the Charts by
Emiliano Richards
1843 and 1850 charts explained in detail. Sadly, more and more, this is not believed or taught in the denomination today.
The Omega - Part 1 - The Removal of the Personality of God
The Omega - Part 2 - The Presence of God Pantheistic theories now are commonplace
10 Virgins - 7 Thunders - Emiliano Richards - Restoring the Old Paths teaching
Note: Apple's Safari browser may not play the 10 Virgins-7 Thunders videos. If so, try Mozilla Firefox or another browser.